Getting started with D3.js
D3 Framework
D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation. the SVG:
· Inking the d3.js file, this can
be done in 2 ways. The first way is to directly download the zip file from
or add a script to link the d3.js file.
· To starts creating the graph in
HTML we have to define the SVG.
- it selects the first
element that matches the specified selector string. If no elements match the
selector returns an empty selection
- .append: we have to append the
SVG over the body of the HTML, with attributes (.attr) as width, height,
margins, etc.
To get the values from the CSV
the file we use this function:
D3.cvs() is a function which
allows us to link the CSV file, the first parameter is the path of the file or
name of the file along with functions.
Csv_data.foreach() goes through
every line in loop and acceleration_x is the heading of the first column of
data. Data.acceleration_x retries the data and is pushed into an array. The
name of the heading is very important if any typo occurs then the data won’t be
recognized from the CSV.
When the data is pushed into
the array, the values are in the string, this is why parse function was
created in the d3.csv() function. The parse function is designed such that all
the data is parsed into float values and then these values are pushed into the
Now after having all the values
into the array, these values need to put into another array (data) which
sets a time value. For the time value, the Date() function and. getTime()
function is used to get the current value. The time is then assigned to the
values to each value for the CSV file and set into the data array.
now time contains the values of
the current time. For loops are used to access the data inside each acc. The
data array has two components, date and value. The data takes the current time
and the values are the values from the acc array. Each time it loops, the time
is changed accordingly.
BEAT_TIME is a variable I created in such a way that, the value’s occurrence
can be controlled. BEAT_TIME is set to 500 milliseconds, so if we want the of
the value to occur in each second, change the value to 1000 milliseconds i.e. 1
Scaling the Axis
The axis has to be drawn into
the SVG to plot the graph:
Two variables are created,
xScale and yScale. xScale is scaled with a function scaleTime because we are
using x scale as a time type and the y-axis is a Linear scale, hence
scaleLinear. Both these scales need domain and range.
fromDate is a variable which
contains a time which is 5 seconds current the current time. So if the current
time is 1:25, then the fromDate is 1:20.
After the scaling is finished,
the scales are not positioned in the right place, so we use another function
axisBottom for the x scale and axisLeft for their scale.
xScale has tick format to get
the seconds displayed right. It is possible to edit any of the scales by giving
it. attr() function.
Creating the line
After all the scales are
positioned in the right place, the line can be created:
We can create the line using
the d3.line() function. X sets the x value of the line; the function returns
the value inside the data array. We call this function(d) in the later parts of
the codes. returns the values of the date in the data array and d.value
gives the corresponding values to the time.
Curve is version 4 of d3 to
make the line curved.
Now we need to give the value
for the line, so that function(d) gets the data to get the values.
A variable path is declared and
we select SVG i.e. the SVG we created with the width and height. Append a line
and call it “path” so we can later reference it. And as an attribute, call the
line with the type class, these lines have all the values of each data
To make the line appear on the
SVG, we need to call the axis:
The call(xAxis) calls the
x-axis to the screen, it is classed under the x-axis. The transform attribute will
allow us to move the x-scale or y-scale to the desired location within the SVG.
Fonts can also be used to edit the x-axis or y-axis
The functions
which assign the values into the data and calling the CSV is kept inside a
function called beat(). This is done so that in future we can assign values in
real-time if the CSV file gets updated with new values.
Now, after creating the line,
we have to move the x domain to the new value so it would appear to be moving.
First, we create a variable to reference all the values in the path:
This function is inside a
setInterval function as it creates a new value for the x domain and keeps on
calling the x-scale making it appear to be moving towards the left.
First, a new time data is
created and changes the fromDate, then the domain of the x scale is changed and
depending on the time we can change the speed of the line appearing faster or
slower, by subtracting few milliseconds.
We make a translate variable
setting the x scale.
After setting the new time for the domain, the
the line has to be redrawn into the new time:
First, the lines have to be
selected from the SVG and the transform attribute is added along with few
styles to identify each line.
The last thing to do is to
call(xAxis), if it’s not called then the x scale will remain the same.
Finally, we call the beat
function in an interval, since we are calling the file as a whole at the
moment, we end the loop after 2 loops.
Problems Faced
One of the main problems
faced is the setInterval function, the loop for the beat sometimes won’t work
because some of the other loops will be slower to execute. When this occurs,
the CSV file reads the data but it doesn’t get pushed to the data array. So I
have to show some of the setInterval function with a duration to make the file
work within 2 loops.
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